© FREITAG / Photography: Daici Ano

Following store openings in Tokyo and Osaka, tarp bag manufacturer FREITAG expands its retail operations in the Land of the Rising Sun with a new standalone store in Kyoto. The retail space occupies a lofty 80 sqm. (861 sq.ft.) ground floor unit of a modern concrete and steel structure built in 2007. Entirely redeveloped to meet the Swiss brand’s retail design aesthetic, it sees a revamped lower façade with a large-sized truck mural, and indoors, all of FREITAG‘s signature interior design elements. Given the voluminous dimensions of the store, it has been fully modeled after the industrial logistics warehouse at the company’s headquarters in suburban Zurich. The setting is anchored by its signature storage system with a multitude of drawers which lines the side and walls. A sturdy green metal table with shelves takes centre stage and is paired with a matching sales counter and wall-mounted shelving directly opposite. The main retail area is flanked by a full-fledged workshop where shopper are able to indulge in DIY crafting with offcuts. And speaking of tarp, the new FREITAG store stocks around 1,100 recycled, one-off bags and accessories.

400-1 Izutsuya-cho (Central Kyoto)
Kyoto 604-8113
Daily 11-8

© FREITAG / Photography: Daici Ano